Calibre Band!!!
Rehearsals are every Tuesday and Thursday throughout the year from 3:00-4:00PM located in the music room. Band dismissal will be in the north parking lot. Please turn in the attached form to register for band. Detailed schedule will be passed out at the parent meetings. Please email for questions.
ADVANCED BAND: 5th through 8th grade
At least 1 year of experience on your instrument is required.
Thursday, AUGUST 23RD 3:00-3:45PM First REHEARSAL
3:45-4:00pm Advanced band parent meeting
BEGINNING BAND: 4th through 8th grade
No need to audition, just turn in an enrollment form to mr. Swanson
Tuesday, August 30th 3:00-3:30PM Beginning clarinets
3:30-4:00PM beginning trumpets/trombones
4:00-4:30PM beginning flutes
4:30-5:00PM beginning percussion
(this day is optional for advanced band)
THURSDAY, August 25th 6PM
There will be an opening band meeting and rental night for parents and students. It will be located in the South Building Multi-Purpose Room. There will be a short informational meeting, followed by the instrument rentals. Milano Music will be coming to our school with rental instruments, the school band book, and instrument accessories.
Band and Choir Registration Form 2016-2017
The Calibre Choir!!!
Rehearsals are every Monday and Wednesday throughout the year from 3:00-4:00PM located in the music room. Choir dismissal will be in the north parking lot. Please turn in the attached form to register for choir. Please email for questions.
Wednesday, August 24th 3:00-4:00PM choir auditions
4:00-4:15PM Parent Meeting
Monday, august 29th 3:00-4:00PM first choir rehearsal
Have you been in the caliber choir before?
GREAT!!! Anyone who has been in the Calibre Choir before does Not need to audition, just turn in an enrollment form.
- Any new members will need to audition on August 24th. You may audition on any song of your choice.
Band and Choir Registration Form 2016-2017