Field Trips

Field Trips

Field trips are a privilege. Each grade level will take no more than two educationally related field trips a year. In order to attend field trips, students must be passing all classes and have not been referred to the office for severe behavior issues (as determined by administration). If a student does not follow rules while on the trip, parents will be called to pick up the student at that time.

Parents are encouraged to chaperone on these trips and must have signed up through the teacher.  Parents who show up unexpectedly will not be allowed to be with the group.  Also, no siblings may attend.  Students must ride the bus to the field trip but may be signed out, at the trip site, by a parent at the conclusion of the field trip.

Field trips must be planned to align with Arizona College and Career Readiness Standards. When planning for a field trip, the standards must be indicated and follow-up activities that meet standards must be planned.

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