Calibre Art Project


Hello Calibre Families! My name is Mrs. Marciniak, I am you child’s art teacher. I have come up with a plan to involve many of the grade levels to help paint Calibre’s North Hallways with Beautiful Inspiring Murals.  Below you can see examples of the ideas that have been put into place for the hallways.


I am asking for donations to help with supplies, if you have supplies at home that you would like to give towards or project I would greatly appreciate it. If you would rather make a cash donation that will be wonderful too, to donate to the project please email me at


  • Painters tape
  • Tarps or old sheets
  • Paint brushes 1-2 inch
  • Old T-shirts to protect uniforms
  • Paint (I will need to purchase certain colors and paint sheen)


Thank you for all of your help in making our school a great place to be!

6th grade – 8th grade Hallway



3rd grade – 5th grade Hallway