Attendance Hotline: (623) 201-2502
If you know an absence is imminent, please advise the office and the child’s teacher in writing as far in advance as possible, allowing the teacher to prepare the child to stay current with his studies.
When an absence is necessary due to illness, please call the absence hotline at (623) 201-2502 by 8:45 a.m. to report the absence. A message may be left on the voice mail 24 hours per day. Office staff will call to verify student absences if a message hasn’t been received. An early call alleviates unnecessary concern.
A written note excusing the student’s absence should accompany the student upon his/her return. Illnesses longer than three days may require a doctor’s note.
Your child’s academic success begins with regular attendance. Our staff is here to support you and your child. Please contact us right away if there are problems that affect your child’s ability to attend school, and we will do our best to help.
What you can do
As a parent or guardian, it is possible to plan ahead in order to limit your child’s absences, make school attendance a priority, and help your child from falling behind if it is necessary to miss a day of school. You can do this in the following ways:
Help your child get to school on time every day. Babysitting, problems with a car or late bus, and the weather are not permissible reasons to miss school. Frequently coming to school late may also be noted on your child’s permanent record, and will make it difficult for your child to stay caught up with the first lessons of each morning. Teach your child how to set and use an alarm clock, and keep the television turned off in the morning.
Try to limit the amount of time that your child misses school due to medical appointments or illness. If possible, avoid scheduling doctor’s appointments during the school day. Allow your child to stay home only in the case of contagious or severe illnesses.
Students who miss days, weeks, or months of school at a time will have a difficult time passing their courses and catching up to their peers. For older students, prolonged absences may make it very difficult to graduate from high school.
Schedule family events with your child’s school schedule in mind. Plan holiday celebrations or family trips during weekends or school vacations. In the case of family emergencies or unexpected trips, talk to your child’s teacher as far in advance as possible and set up a way that your child can work ahead or bring important homework on the trip.
Promote good health. Make sure that your child eats a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, and has opportunities to exercise every day through a sports team or playtime outside.
Create a restful environment. Finally, make sure that your child can relax before bedtime by doing something quiet, like reading, rather than something stimulating, like watching television. Ensure that your child gets enough quality sleep ideal amounts range from 8 to 12 hours. Getting enough sleep will help her get up on time, be refreshed in the morning, and feel ready for a full day of learning ahead!
By making your child’s school attendance a priority, you will be taking an important step in supporting your child’s school success, and setting a good example. Remember every day counts!