Dear Calibre Parents,
We have some exciting news to share with you about the 2017-2018 school year. Calibre Academy is transitioning to an interactive 21st century blended school.
For the K-8th graders, Project Based Learning (PBL) will be introduced. Students will be working with peers on different projects throughout the school year on a specific topic that has been taught during the quarter. PBL promotes authentic learning where students choose a method to demonstrate mastery. Students will have the opportunity to work collaboratively with their peers through discussion and problem based activities. Students will be expected to be self-directed, innovative, and creative as they learn the core subjects. Students will learn effective communication throughout the entire process. The amount of projects and support will be based on the grade level.
In 6th – 8th grade, lessons will be introduced using whole group instruction and students will then have the opportunity to work at their own pace through our new curriculum (McGraw-Hill) and receive individualized instruction based on their skills. Through PBL, students will use a framework that promotes critical thinking and problem solving skills exploring real-world issues. Teachers will bridge the gap of traditional learning through the use of technology. Technology takes students beyond the classroom walls. With the use of individual chrome books, students will be able to have subjects come to life.
Study Sync
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us either through email, phone, or set up an appointment. We look forward to these exciting changes for next year!
Rebeca Venegas, Principal
Sharon Kaplan, Vice Principal