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IMPORTANT UPDATE: Guidance to Schools on COVID-19

2021-08-17T03:02:20-07:00August 3rd, 2020|

April 22, 2021

Dear Calibre Families,

We would like to let you know that the Board met yesterday to discuss Calibre’s current mitigation plan including the use of masks and to vote on whether masks should be lifted for the students and the staff of Calibre Academy.

It was decided that the school will not be lifting the use of the masks until July 1st. After this time the use of masks will be optional. The board minutes will be posted on the school website within 48 hours. If you have any questions on what was discussed, you can refer to the minutes.

Thank you,

Calibre Academy

November 18, 2020

Dear Calibre Families,

As the COVID-19 cases have been rising, the school has made the tough decision to go back to remote learning starting November 30th. Our last day for in person instruction for the 2nd quarter will be Friday, November 20th. This decision was based on the CDC metrics, a few positive cases at our school, and the guidance of the health department.

We are hoping to come back in person January 4th, 2021 (after Winter Break). During remote learning the school will be providing learning labs for those families who do not have a place to leave their students during the day. If your student attended the learning labs at the beginning of the year they will be enrolled automatically. If you are choosing not to use them this time, please let us know by Thursday so we can assign another student to that spot. We have limited space, however, please call the office to have your student put on a waiting list if your student needs a spot.

Please be aware if you send your student to the learning lab, the staff is providing a safe environment and not classroom instruction or checking to see if the student has completed their work. Parents are highly encouraged to check their student’s work and contact teachers if you have any concerns.

Email your teacher by Thursday morning (tomorrow) if your student is needing a Chromebook. Please do not take one if your student has a device they can work on at home. Students who come to the learning labs will not be issued a Chromebook.

The lunch department will be sending out information on the meal services. If you are in the learning labs and have been taking the bus, transportation will still be provided.

Thank you for your understanding and support through this difficult time!


Rebeca Venegas

Sharon Kaplan
Vice Principal

Face Coverings:

All persons, including, but not limited to, staff, students, vendors, visitors, and volunteers shall wear a face covering while on Calibre property, in any Calibre facility, at any Calibre event, whether indoors or outdoors, and in any Calibre vehicle, including Calibre busses or vehicles rented or leased by the District.

Face coverings should not be worn by:

  • Anyone who has trouble breathing;
  • Anyone who is unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.

Students under the age of five are not required to wear face coverings.

Students shall not be required to wear face coverings when students can socially distance or are outside in playground settings with distancing.

Students shall be allowed breaks to remove their face covering in a safe environment.

The Superintendent may make other exceptions to the requirement to wear a face covering while keeping in mind the health and safety of everyone involved.

Face shields may be an acceptable alternative to face coverings only for individuals that are unable to wear a face mask or cloth face covering.

Face coverings are to fully cover a person’s nose and mouth, ideally fitting snugly but comfortably against the sides of the face and under the chin. They are to remain affixed in place without the use of one’s hands and are to not have holes.

They are to be laundered regularly or disposed of appropriately.

A face covering does not replace the need for frequent hand washing, covering coughs and sneezes, and practicing physical distancing (six feet [6’] away) to the extent possible. Individuals are to be reminded to avoid touching their face covering and to wash their hands frequently. To ensure the proper use of face coverings, staff and students are to be educated on how to wear and care for their face coverings.

Legal Ref: Gov. Ducey Executive Order 2020-51

Calibre Families,

We would like to give you an update of where things are standing right now. We understand the stress that you might all be going through and how difficult it might be for you to send your student back to school in person.

We want you to know that we have been training our teachers to effectively teach on line. The entire school will be using Google classroom and Google meets for instructional purposes. We are positive this will alleviate some of your stress since you will only have to be familiar with one platform.

Our priority is not only to make sure that students are receiving the best education possible but also that our students, teachers and staff are safe and can stay healthy once we can resume in person instruction. At this point the plan is that we start online and in person instruction on August 17th , however, the Department of Health Services will be providing a list of benchmarks that will have to be met before we can return in person. The benchmarks are set to be released August 7th. We want you to be aware that once the benchmarks are provided the Board might change the starting day
in person until it is safe for everyone to come back.

Thank you for your understanding and your support during this difficult time, we will continue to keep you updated as we have more information,

We look forward to seeing you soon.


Your health and safety are our priority. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) recommend that reopening decisions be driven by the current prevalence of COVID-19 in the community. Please view the following document to learn about our school’s re-opening protocols:

Good morning students and parents,

Gov. Doug Ducey has extended the closure of all Arizona schools through the end of this school year. In a joint statement Monday with Superintendent of Public Instruction Kathy Hoffman, Ducey wrote that the decision was made to align with guidance from the federal government.

Our schools executives are meeting this Tuesday to discuss revised requirements for all of our students. You can expect communication from our meeting on Wednesday afternoon the latest.

We appreciate all your patience during this unfortunate time.

Dear Arizona families, educators, school leaders, and education community members,

In our roles as Governor and Superintendent of Public Instruction, we stand united in working with you to keep Arizona’s kids, families, and school communities safe and healthy.

Over the past few weeks and in coordination with public health officials, we have been in close communication with school administrators to provide guidance and be a resource as it relates to the recent outbreak of COVID-19. The health and safety of all our students is our top priority, and we’ve worked hard to keep our school doors open — these are important assets in people’s lives and many families rely on them for nutrition and access to health care.

Both of our staffs have been working together in partnership through the weekend, and we’ve been in touch with educational leaders on the frontlines. Currently, staffing and potential absences are a concern in many districts. Many schools and school districts have announced closures.

Today, we are jointly announcing the closure of all schools from Monday, March 16, 2020 through Friday, March 27, 2020. We will continue to work together and assess this situation on a 24/7 basis.

It’s important for families and parents to know that while this will address operational issues, doing this will not stop the spread of COVID-19.

The safest place for children during this time is at home. They should not be cared for by elderly adults or those with underlying health conditions, including grandparents and other family members.

Additionally, we are committed to working together to minimize the impact of these closures. To that end, we are assembling resources and forming community partnerships that will reduce the impact of these closures on families, teachers, and school communities.

Efforts are underway to ensure that any child has access to meals while schools are closed. We have also worked with USDA to allow schools to begin summer food service operations and provide boxed meals as needed. Your local school will have more information about how and where to access meals.

We understand many parents have questions about childcare options. It is the recommendation of public health officials that kids who are not at school remain at home to the greatest extent possible. For families for whom that’s not an option, we are coordinating with partners in the non-profit, faith-based and education communities to make available childcare options to families who need it.

For our dedicated school employees, we’re working together to make sure you don’t see any disruption to your pay. We’ll also be consulting with our district and legislative partners to determine the extent of any potential makeup days.

Many parents, teachers, and administrators may have questions about statewide testing. We’re currently engaging with our federal partners in the event that we need to secure a waiver.

The Department of Education will provide additional guidance to schools that will be posted to For the latest information about COVID-19, please visit This website is updated daily with new information.

We will continue to remain in close contact with state and public health officials to provide the most up-to-date information and ensure that the State of Arizona is doing everything we can to keep every member of our community healthy and safe.

We are asking schools to please adhere to the following measures during this period of closure:

School administrators should make every effort to provide continued education learning opportunities through online resources or materials that can be sent home.
School administrators should develop a plan to continue breakfast and lunch services for Arizona students.
As demand rises on healthcare professionals and first responders, schools should expand child care programs currently available to ensure minimal disruption to these critical jobs as a result of the school closure.
When school resumes, school administrators should develop and implement precautions to ensure schools are a safe learning environment, including social distancing measures, regular intervals for administrators to wash and sanitize their hands, and guidance on how to properly and frequently sanitize equipment and common surfaces.

Governor Doug Ducey and Superintendent Kathy Hoffman

For more information, please go to

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